As a digital marketing academy, we have been asked such questions – why should I learn digital marketing course, Is there any career opportunities, what is the scope? On the basis of profile we answered. Questions remain same but answered changed as it depends on the profile of person who is inquiring. Sometimes, question varies. Below are the questions that have been asked many times.
  • I am an experienced marketing professional, how can I grow my career with the help of digital marketing?
  • I am in sales department, are digital marketing skills being relevant for me?
  • I am an entrepreneur; what will be the role that digital marketing play to grow my business?
  • I am a student; want to make a successful career. Why to do digital marketing course? Will it give me bright future?
  • I am doing job as an executive, will I accelerate career growth in terms of both money and profile if I l expand knowledge?
  • I am doing business and it is going good. Why will learn digital marketing? And most important, cannot I learn it by myself?
  • I am home maker; what is the need to learn digital marketing courses?
  • Can I start my business if I learn digital marketing?


  1. Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information.

    Social Media Expert in India


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